Essex newborn photography Chigwell

Newborn photography Essex

Chigwell newborn photographers Essex

Essex newborn photography Chigwel

Essex newborn photographers Chigwell

Essex newborn photography Chigwell

Today we would like to introduce you to a beautiful little baby girl called Sofia. Sofia from Chigwell in Essex,  visited us recently at 8 days of age for her newborn photo shoot… and wanted to do anything but sleep! Fortunately, parents Joanna and Dariusz were very patient as we worked with Sofia to take a lovely set of photos of her.

Apologies to regular readers and followers for the lack of posts on the blog just recently – we’ve been so busy shooting that we’ve got all behind on our blogging duties – something we promise to try to catch up on as soon as we get a chance!

If you have a new baby on the way and would like your own set of newborn photos when he or she arrives, please be sure to get your booking in early so we can schedule your shoot for you. If you’d like more details, just drop us a line to ask for your own newborn information pack.