Toddler photography Surrey

Toddler photography Surrey

Toddler photography Surrey

Toddler photography Surrey

Toddler photography Surrey

Toddler photography Surrey

Today’s toddler portrait session is of 22 month old Megan who we were delighted to meet again, since we photographed Megan a couple of years ago when she was just a baby.  At that time we did a family photo shoot which also included much loved family dog, Chestnut.  It was lovely to see how she’s grown and to find out that Meryl and Andrew are doing well.

Megan is  out-going and full of fun.  For a girl of such a young age, she was very co-operative during her photo shoot and seemed to know exactly what was required.  With such a lovely smile and adorable curls (which Mum tried to tame a little for the shoot) we couldn’t help but love all these portraits.

Meryl brought along a few changes of outfits with different colours and textures which worked really well to create a few variations for some great toddler portraits for Mum and Dad.

If you have a toddler and are interested in children’s portraiture at our home studio, please e-mail us for a full information pack.